Having trouble updating your company’s social media accounts daily? Regular posts on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and even Twitter help build your brand in conjunction with an SEO campaign, regular blog posts, and press releases.

It’s very difficult to run the daily operations of a business and still focus on posting content to your social media accounts. You can’t simply create an account and post every couple of days or every six months in the hopes that you will build a following.

Social media accounts are the perfect outlet for sharing all of the fresh content created as part of your marketing plan by Vassallo Marketing. Each time a blog post is published on your website, share it across all of your social media accounts. The same goes for any new press releases issued.

Want to have an infographic created about a new product or service? Infographics are perfect for sharing on Facebook and Instagram. The more content you share on these platforms the more of an expert you become within your industry.

Promoting your business on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube is completely free. You don’t have to spend a dime on targeted ads if you don’t want to do so. Simply sharing information from your business can help to grow your brand and acquire new customers.

Are you ready to build your social media pages but don’t have the time or knowhow? Contact Vassallo Marketing via email at jim@vassallomarketing.com to discuss a marketing plan for your company.